About Us

Our company is at the technological forefront, so much so that competitors in the sector prefer to buy components, materials and generators from Moroni and then integrate them into their own systems.
With more than 50 years of experience in the sector, MORONI has the capacity and ability to perform practical tests in its own laboratory, highly equipped with every type of prototype system, and determine which is the best cycle for your specific requirements.

  • Professionalism

    The systems are completely conceived and manufactured in-house, meaning we are able guarantee every component and provide after-sales assistance even decades after a system was purchased

  • Experience

    We have been producing ultrasonic cleaners of every type, since 1963, all designed by engineers with over 40 years experience in this specific technical field


  • Passion

    Each system is tested in-house prior to shipment, and must strictly adhere to the standard criteria of uncompromising attention to detail

  • Reliability

    Currently there are ultrasonic cleaners which have been in operation around the world for over 30 years


Systems around the world


standard tanks


automatic systems


turn key centres
