Special power circuit for ultrasonics
IGBT modules are commonly used by a majority of companies as an alternative to power MOSFETs in the manufacture of high frequency generators. The use of IGBTs has a number of advantages, including the size of the circuit board, the number of components and the size of the package. This has made it possible for the designers to increase the efficiency and performance of the system, while lowering the overall cost. IGBTs are high voltage, bipolar switching devices controlled by drivers which combine the high input impedance of MOSFETs with very low switching losses when a bipolar transistor is powered ON.
In the ultrasonic cleaning sector, the selection and programming of the driver is fundamental when using an IGBT which must adjust the pulse speed, while at the same time protect against overloads and short circuits.
This is why we have adopted these components for use in MOG series generators, and where we have adopted a MICROCHIP 64-bit microprocessor which, together with an infinite number of other functions, has the task of controlling the driver.
With IGBT modules, powers up to 120 A at 600 V can be achieved, power levels which were unimaginable just a few years ago.
Technical clarification note
The insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is a three terminal power semiconductor device: Gate, Emitter and Collector. It can be considered the synthesis of the best features of a bipolar transistor and an MOS.
The IGBT acts as a switch in the applications of high voltage and current values. Compared to other power semiconductor devices, its major strong points are:
- an increased switching speed
- the ability to manage very high voltages and currents
- the (relative) ease of use
- the ability to arrange multiple devices in parallel to increase the current